Sentiment indicators look at how bullish or bearish market actors and what they are thinking and feeling, which may help forecast investors' future behavior. When sentiment readings are unusually high or low, they may begin acting in a contrarian way.

Learn to use "Sentiment Indicator" while trading in Binary/Fixed Price Trading

What is the meaning of Sentiment indicator?

This is an indicator of the platform. Every trading platform has its own statistic calculation method to generalize the behaviors of all the traders. In Olymp Trade platform, the method is created under the form of an indicator called Sentiment. It shows the behavioral status of traders in Olymp Trade. You can rely on this indicator and make the right decision when trading.

See How you can set up Sentiment indicator in your Olymp Trade account?

Go to your Olymp Trade screen, at Indicator tab, choose Sentiment from the left.

How to add "Sentiment indicator" in Olymp Trade Platform

This indicator is very special, it lies at the left corner of the screen and shows itself with a vertical green line and a vertical red line. At the end of the 2 lines, there are numbers that show the percentage of traders who choose the UP or DOWN.

Sentiment indicator at OlympTrade Platform

What does Sentiment indicator means for traders?

When red line has the advantage over green line (which means the red line is longer than green line). It means that at that moment most of the traders buy the DOWN than those who buy the UP, majority of the traders believe that price will go down in the future.

On the contrary, when green line has the advantage and becomes longer than red line. It means that at that moment, most of the traders choose UP and believe that the price will go up in the near future.

What does Sentiment indicator means for traders while trading

Using Sentiment indicator when trading in Olymp Trade

Relying on the law of supply-demand Olymp Trade. Traders who follow this way of trading will buy the UP when the green line has the advantage in Sentiment indicator and vice versa, buy DOWN when the red line has the advantage.

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